Friday, December 27, 2019

Create a Company Culture that Inspires Success

Create a Company Culture that Inspires SuccessCreate a Company Culture that Inspires SuccessCreate a Company Culture that Inspires Success Chester, author of Reviving Work EthicA positive attitude at work is infectious, so the mora you call it out to others and encourage it in key employees, the easier it will be for you to radiate it throughout your companys culture.This starts with the small things you do, like calling out the guy who works the double or the receptionist who comes in when its snowing, but it continues with how far you radiate those kinds of things each day.To create a positive company culture,talk to your young people about the good things that are happening throughout your business.If you cant share positive news about the company, shine the light on something good thats taking distributionspolitik in your community, the nation, or the world.Make it your mission to be a purveyor of good tidings. Go out of your way to be the beacon of light when everything else the y may be exposed to drags them down.Communicate Good NewsThe manager of a large supermarket in St. Louis told me that she schedules an all-store meeting once each quarter solely to share business successstories of employees both work-related and non-work-related with her entire team.Although the meetings are not mandatory and begin at 700 a.m. on Saturdays, she said the attendance at these meetings is always at or near 100 percent because all the dialogue is centered around the positive things her people are doing.Many organizations put tons of effort into promoting the good news about their company to the outside world in an effort to attract and keep investors. But they neglect their internal customers their workers.Ive seen customers try to strike up conversations with cashiers about a piece of news they read about the industry or even the specific company the cashier works for, only to have the cashier give them a deer-in-the-headlights look.Take it upon yourself to make your frontline staff feel like an important cog in the wheel of your operation by keeping them informed.Even if youre giving these employees a piece of not-so-good news, theyll be more positive because they feel important.Help Young Employees Stay PositiveMake it your mission to help your young employees see that they are on a train thats going somewhere important, and that they are part of something positive and good.Dont stretch small victories into giant ones, but when good things happen, spend as much time telling your frontline workers as you do telling your potential investors.Sure, you want to promote your company brand to the world. But dont leapfrog over your frontline employees. Outside investors look in the eyes of your employees every day and decide whether its a good company a place they want to invest their money.2012 Eric Chester. Reprinted from Reviving Work Ethic (Greenleaf Book Group Press) with permission of the author. For more information, please visit Reviving Wor k Ethic.Author BioEric Chester, author of Reviving Work Ethic (Wiley, 2011) is an acclaimed expert in school-to-work transition. He has presented for more than two million youth at 1,500 high schools and colleges. Chester is the author of four books, most recently Getting Them to Give a Damn. Hes founder of Bring Your A Game to Work youth training and certification program and President of Reviving Work Ethic, Inc., a speaking and consulting firm.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to Build Trusting Relationships in the Workplace

How to Build Trusting Relationships in the WorkplaceHow to Build Trusting Relationships in the WorkplaceTrust. You know when you have trust you know when you dont have it. Yet, what is trust and how is it usefully defined for the workplace? Can you build trust when it doesnt exist? How do you maintain and build upon the trust you may currently have in your workplace? These are important questions for todays rapidly changing world. Trust forms the foundation for effective communication, employee retention, and employee motivation and contribution of discretionary energy, the extra effort that people voluntarily invest in work. When trust exists in an organization or in a relationship, almost everything else is easier and more comfortable to achieve. The Three Constructs of Trust- Definition When you read about trust, the number of definitions that purportedly describe trust in understandable ways- but dont is striking. According to Dr. Duane C. Tway, Jr. in his 1993 dissertation, A Construct of Trust There exists today, no practical construct of Trust that allows us to plan and implement organizational interventions to significantly increase trust levels between people. We all think we know what Trust is from our own experience, but we dont know much about how to improve it. Why? I believe it is because we have been taught to look at Trust as if it were a single entity. Tway defines trust as, the state of readiness for unguarded interaction with someone or something. He developed a model of trust that includes three components. He calls trust a construct because it is constructed of these three components the capacity for trusting, the perception of competence, and the perception of intentions. Thinking about trust as made up of the interaction and existence of these three components makes trust easier to understand. The capacity for trusting means that your total life experiences have developed your current capacity and willingness to risk trusting others.T he perception of competence is made up of your perception of your ability and the ability of others with whom you work to perform competently at whatever is needed in your current situation.The perception of intentions, as defined by Tway, is your perception that the actions, words, direction, mission, or decisions are motivated by mutually-serving rather than self-serving motives. Why Trust Is Critical in a Healthy Organization How important is building a trusting work environment? According to Tway, people have been interested in trust since Aristotle. Tway states, Aristotle (384-322 BC), writing in the Rhetoric, suggested that Ethos, the Trust of a speaker by the listener, was based on the listeners perception of three characteristics of the speaker. Aristotle believed these three characteristics to be the intelligence of the speaker (correctness of opinions, or competence), the character of the speaker (reliability - a competence factor, and honesty - a measure of intention s), and the goodwill of the speaker (favorable intentions towards the listener). This hasnt changed much to this day. Additional research by Tway and others shows that trust is the basis for much of the positive environment you want to create in your workplace. Trust is the necessary precursor for feeling able to rely on a personcooperating with and experiencing teamwork with a grouptaking thoughtful risksexperiencing believable communication The best way to maintain a trusting work environment is to keep from breaking trust in the first place. The integrity of the leadership of the organization is critical. The truthfulness and transparency of the communication with staff is also a critical factor. The presence of a strong, unifying mission and vision can also promote a trusting environment. Providing information about the rationale, background, and thought processes behind decisions is another important aspect of maintaining trust. Another is the organizational success people are more apt to trust their competence, contribution, and direction when parte of a successful project or organization. Things That Injure the Trust Relationship Yet, even in an organization in which trust is a priority, things happen daily that can injure trust. A communication is misunderstood a customer order is misdirected and no one questions an obvious mistake. The owner of a company that went through a bankruptcy, was trusted by employees on the intentions side of Tways trust model.But, he was severely injured in the eyes of the workforce in the perceived competence part of the model. The employees knew his heart was in the right place. They didnt believe he was capable of taking the organization there. They never recovered. In the first aspect of the construct, capacity for trust, even when organizations do their best, many people are unwilling to trust because of their life experiences. In many workplaces, people are taught to mistrust as they are repeatedly misinformed and misled. The Critical Role of the Leader or coach in Trust Relationships Simon Fraser University assistant prof, Kurt T. Dirks, (see endnote) studied the impact of trust in college basketball team success. After surveying the players on 30 teams, he determined that players on successful teams were more likely to trust their coach. He found these players were more likely to believe that their coach knew what was required for them to win. They believed the coach had their best interests at heart they believed the coach came through on what he promised. (Something to think about trust in their teammates was hardly deemed important in the study.) Del Jones of the Gannett News Service reports that in a March 2001 Wirthlin Worldwide study of employees, 67 percent said they were committed to their employers. Only 38 percent felt their employers were committed to them. In another study, by C. Ken Weidner, an assistant professor at the Center for Organization Development at Loyola Univer sity Chicago, findings suggest several implications for organizational performance and change. Weidner found that a managers skill in developing relationships that reduce or eliminate distrust have a positive impact on employee turnover. He feels that turnover may be a result of organizations failing to draw people in. He also found that trust in the supervisor is associated with better individual performance. Build a Trust Relationship Over Time Trust is built and maintained by many small actions over time. Marsha Sinetar, the author, said, Trust is not a matter of technique, but of character we are trusted because of our way of being, not because of our polished exteriors or our expertly crafted communications. So fundamentally, trust, and here is the secret promised in the title of this article, is the cornerstone, the foundation, for everything youd like your organization to be now and for everything youd like it to become in the future. Lay this groundwork well. Trust is te lling the truth, even when it is difficult, and being truthful, authentic, and trustworthy in your dealings with customers and staff. Can profoundly-rewarding, mission-serving, life- and work-enhancing actions get any simpler than this? notlage likely. References About Trust Relationships Dirks, Kurt T., Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 85(6), Dec 2000. pp. 1004-1012.Jones, Del, Gannett News Service, 2001.Meyer, R.C., Davis, J. H., and Schoorman, F. S., Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 1995.Tway, Duane C., A Construct of Trust, Dissertation, 1993.Tway, Duane C., Unpublished Paper, Leadership, and Trust An Imperative for the Transition Decade and Beyond, 1995.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Business Types FAQ - Information about Corporate Structures

Business Types FAQ - Information about Corporate StructuresBusiness Types FAQ - Information about Corporate StructuresWhat is a General Partnership?A General Partnership is a form of geschftlicher umgang organization in which two or more individuals manage and operate the geschftlicher umgang with a view to making a profit. Each partner shares a fixed proportion of the partnership profits and losses and assumes unlimited personal liability for the debts and obligations of the company. One benefit of a general partnership is that partnership income is only taxed once since income flows through to the partners who are taxed individually.What is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?Limited liability partnerships are generally restricted for use by professionals, such as accountants and lawyers, and function to limit the liability exposure of individual partners to acts of professional negligence committed by fellow partners or employees. Limited liability is granted to all partners in an LLP. Please note that ur partnership agreement is intended for a general partnership and is not suitable for use by a limited liability partnership.What is a Limited Partnership (LP)?Limited partnerships consist of one or more general partners and one or more limited liability partners. A general partner actively manages the business and may contribute capital to the partnership. A general partner has unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the business. A limited partner, however, contributes capital to the partnership but has no active role in running the business. The liability of a limited partner will only be the amount of capital they contributed to the partnership. Please note that our partnership agreement is intended for a general partnership and is not suitable for use by a limited partnership.What is a Joint Venture?A Joint Venture is a business arrangement where two or more individuals or entities work together for a single purpose and often for a limited time. It allows members to share development costs and resources to create synergies and become more competitive economically, but without becoming liable as general partners for the actions of fellow members. However, where the business relationships between the members of a joint venture become too close, and revenues are intermingled, the entity may resemble a partnership and will risk incurring the joint and several liability that is typical of a partnership. Although all members of a joint venture usually have a view to profit, they do not necessarily pool their profits and losses. Joint venture agreements are commonly used between a local and a foreign company to facilitate the entrance of a domestic business into a foreign market and vice versa.What is a Sole Proprietorship?A sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business entity. In a sole proprietorship there is only one owner (the sole proprietor) who operates in his or her personal capacity. The sole p roprietor risks unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of their company. This means that all of the sole proprietors personal possessions are at risk if the business should fail or be sued. One benefit of a sole proprietorship is that it enjoys a single level of taxation. This means that the sole proprietor will pay personal income taxes for the profits made by the business.What is a Corporation?Under law, a corporation is considered to be a legal person distinct from the shareholders (or stockholders) who own it. This means that individual shareholders (or stockholders) are not personally liable for the debts and obligations of the corporation. If a corporation fails the shareholders (or stockholders) will only lose the assets they originally invested to purchase their shares (or stocks). In a corporation, income is taxed at two levels first on income for the corporate entity, and then at the shareholder (or stockholder) level where shareholders (or stockholders) ar e taxed on any dividends they have received. You create a corporation by filing Articles of Incorporation with the business regulatory body in your jurisdiction. The document that governs internal business activities of the corporation are called Bylaws. In most jurisdictions you do not have to file your bylaws.What is a Limited Liability Company (LLC)? (USA Only)A limited liability company (LLC) is a business entity that enjoys the more attractive features of both a partnership and a corporation. It is similar to a corporation in that the liability exposure of individual members is limited to what each has invested in the business. An LLC is similar to a partnership in that it is taxed at only one level. Like a partnership, income passes through and is taxed against individual members as personal income. The exact tax implications of an LLC will vary between jurisdictions. An LLC is managed by members or a management team. You create an LLC by filing Articles of Organization w ith the business regulatory body in your jurisdiction. The document that governs the business relationship between the owners (members) of the LLC is called the Operating Agreement. In most jurisdictions you do not have to file your Operating Agreement. - - Florida Business Formation Learning Center

Friday, December 13, 2019

Tips for Talking Salary at Interviews for Women

Tips for Talking Salary at Interviews for WomenTips for Talking Salary at Interviews for WomenWhen youre a woman who is job hunting, youre right to be concerned about compensation. The gender gap (the difference between what men and women earn) can be significant. Its not just a question of women earning 25.6% less than men. Overall, thats the case, but there are significant differences based on the type of job youre working at, your marital status, the level of the standort, and the industry you work in. Payscales Inside the Gender Pay Gap Report details the difference, and its not only an interesting read. It can help you determine the best way to approach compensation when youre talking with employers. When Is Salary an Issue for Women? Salary may or may not be an issue when youre job searching. It varies depending on what you do and where you want to work. Whats tricky is knowing what applies to the employer youre vorstellungsgesprching with. In general, there is mora likel y to be fixed pay rate for lower-level, service, entry-level, and union jobs, as well as for positions that pay at union scale, which are sometimes called prevailing rate jobs. Many large companies have a structured compensation plan that pays the same wages, regardless of gender. Dont presume that you will be paid less solely because youre a woman. Youre more likely to have to discuss your salary and to try to get a higher one, when youre interviewing for mid-career to high-level positions where there are more variations in pay, not only within a company but also across industries. When you are considering jobs at a small company with unique positions, there may also be more parity issues than at a bigger employer. How to Discuss Salary During Job Interviews Whats the best way to discuss your current salary and what you expect to earn at your next job? First off, know that if youre not comfortable doing so, youre not alone. Most women dont like talking about or asking for mon ey. However, its much easier to do if youre well-informed about what youre worth. Here are some tips for making the process easier. Do Your Homework Come to the interview prepared with research and data. Use websites like,, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics wage estimates, to get salary information for jobs and companies. Youll be able to gather statistics on what jobs pay for someone with your qualifications, in your location, and even specifically for the company, youre interviewing with.Get Insider Information Do you know someone working at the company or do you have a connection who does? Ask your contacts if they can share any information on the companys compensation structure and what jobs with the company pay. Know Your Bottom Line Its important to know what you need to earn to pay your bills and have something left over. Consider what the minimum salary is that you need at your next job. Do some more research to make sure your expectations are in line with the average salary for the position. Also, consider what you would be earning in a similar job at your current company if the new position is a step up. That raise factor is important because you may not want to change jobs if youre not going to be earning more. Be Patient You dont need to be the person who brings up compensation during a job interview but do be prepared to answer questions about your salary history and how much you expect to earn at your next job. That said, if you do have a concern about whether the compensation is going meet your expectations, its appropriate to ask the hiring manager if there is a salary range for the position.Turn the Question Into a Discussion One strategy is to turn the question into a conversation. When you are asked about how much you make, share the information with the interviewer. Then inquire about the compensation for the role for which youre interviewing. That will give you some information on what the job pays so you can ta ilor your responses to further questions about earnings. Here are tips for discussing your salary expectations with employers. Try to Get Beyond Your Current Compensation If the pay seems like it will be a big step up from your current salary, one strategy is to mention that the responsibilities and expectations for the new role are more demanding than your current (or last) job. You can mention that you have more skills, experience, education, certifications, or anything else that will bolster your candidacy. You could also mention that your current salary is not competitive.For example I am currently earning $X, but Im aware that it is on the lower end of the scale for someone with my qualifications and experience. Be Positive and Confident One of the worst ways to get more money is to come across as though you need it. Go into the interview with confidence and a positive attitude. Be prepared to expand upon the credentials that got you selected for the interview, to share concret e examples of your accomplishments, and to close the interview on a high note.Be Flexible Its especially important for women to consider the entire compensation package. A job is more than just a paycheck. Dont turn down a job purely based on salary. Learn about future earnings potential, benefits, perks, bonuses and the compensation plan in its entirety. Many employers offer flexible work schedules, work from home options, child care, paid leave for parents, and other benefits. Know Its Not Just You Youre not alone if youre not comfortable talking about salary. Its the same for most women. Do keep in mind that it is acceptable to discuss it with hiring managers, and to politely end the interview process if it doesnt appear that the job is a match. That can be a smart strategy because your current earnings impact your future earnings. Unfortunately, the less you make now, the less you may be offered. Thats especially true as you move up the career ladder. Dont Sell Yourself Short Most importantly, dont short change yourself when youre in a job interview and talking about pay. Know what youre worth as an employee, know the differential between what you and your male counterpart may be earning, and get as much information as possible on what you can expect to be paid. The more informed you are, the easier it will be to avoid having an awkward conversation about compensation and to get paid what youre worth.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Choosing Good Resume Skill Examples

Choosing Good Resume Skill Examples When youve looked at several such ads within your intended industry, it is going to become more and more clear what hiring managers are looking for (in regard to job skills). A hiring manager will be searching for skills which are the absolute most relevant to the job accessible. Zetys resume templates are made with the assistance of recruiters and stick to the best practices in HR. The fruchtwein Popular Resume Skill Examples If youre interested in submitting an application for a particular job, review the post carefully and pay attention to the list of skill requirements. Therefore, if you come to an interview, the deficiency of Soft Skills may be one reason you werent chosen for the job. Thus when writing down your job skills take some time to strategize and find out the ideal approach to organize them in your resume. The very best additional skills for resume writing are the ones that are linked to the job. Always bear in mind that h iring managers do not devote a great deal of time perusing a resume. Soft skills are a little bit more vague and open to interpretation. These skills describe the manner in which you interact with other folks. Technical skills are either something youve got or you dont, but theyre always something which it is possible to learn. The Basics of Resume Skill Examples The figures which you will use has to be truthful and can be validated. If you want to compose a new resume and you want some very good carpenter resume examples, you may use the one weve written below. You may use the examples or samples for resume skills because of this. Just take a peek at our list of guides and resume examples for certain professions. What Resume Skill Examples Is - and What it Is Not General managers oversee quite a few stores in a particular region. Put this on your advertising and marketing skills list and you will be certain to get noticed. You also need to check their social networking pages and take musiknote if theyre frequently citing specific hard and soft skills that are desired by the firm. Review their About Us page and see whether your soft abilities or attributes are aligned with the corporations core values. Key skills are work-related skills that you will need to do a job. Some skills might be relevant while others arent. 3 First, you have to pick the best skills for your resume. Job-specific skills vary depending on the position. Listing the skills is likewise very important. Communication skills are important for just about any position. Writing resume skills isnt easy. If your work requires you to use a broad array of talents and abilities, this might be more clear in a skills-based resume than in a chronological resume. Its ideal to be ready Soft abilities, on the flip side, arent simple to quantify. You ought to be including communication skills on your resume but it ought to be accomplished indirectly. Using Resume Skill Examples Add a little private branding to your resume. The competitive climate of the work market has gotten to a fever pitch recently. Hard skills have a tendency to be more technical, and each business or sort of job will often have its personal necessary set. Many professional, together with veteran individuals, dont craft such resumes with precision. If youve assigned the job to compose a resume, you should know its format first. You may find below a list of the greatest skills you may put on your resume based on the sort of job that you are applying for. Personalized resumes wont have any duplicates. The Hidden Facts on Resume Skill Examples A Key Skills section, on the flip side, is listed at the very top of a resume. Contents are well-organized and simple to skim. Fantastic customer tafelgeschirr leads to customers that are delighted with the service they received, but who may not go on to give feedback or reviews for you as well as the business. Enhancing your customer serv ice skills are able to help you move from providing great customer service to great customer services. You might find it helpful to practice your customer service abilities. Everyone can benefit from improving their customer service abilities. Life After Resume Skill Examples The skills section of your resume shows employers youve got the abilities necessary to be successful in the function. Instead, you ought to showcase your soft skills by making an achievement-oriented expert experience section. If you wish to showcase your organization skills, acquiring a tightly structured resume certainly helps. Lets make sure that you make the absolute the majority of the opportunity that your resumes skills section can offer.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


DataThinking about registering for Distribute Hackathon, but still have questions? Weve got you covered.Distribute was born from the idea that the brick-and-mortar offices and cubes we know today will be obsolete in the future.The future of work for women is not in an expensive office space. Its in the cloud. Its around the virtual watercooler, not in a cubicle or on a tech campus. Its women working from where they are most productive for both their lives and their careers, says Katharine Zaleski, president and co-founder of PowerToFly. We are so excited to collaborate with Time Inc. and NBBJ on this hackathon.The following video features three of the Distribute judges, Milena Berry, co-founder and CEO of PowerToFly Rob Duffy, Vice President, Mobile Application Strategy and Engineering of Time, Inc. and Ryan Mullenix, Design Partner at architecture and urban planning firm NBBJ discussing the biggest tech trends affecting the workforce, why distributed teams are integral to the future of business and productivity and what code-optional means for hackathon participants.Ready to Distribute? Organize your team and register here. Aki Merced